steirischer herbst 2007
Orthographe (I)

The Italian Orthographe group was founded by the multi-talented photo artist Alessandro Panzavolta in 2004. His photographic experiments with the pinhole camera and performers led to the first work “Orthographe de la physionomie en mouvement”, that was shown at the 37th Biennale di Venezia (2005) curated by Romeo Castelucci. He is currently working on two new pieces. “Tentativi di Volo”, another work designed for the pinhole camera, focuses on the attempt to fly in one’s dreams. The other piece, “Memory”, is a musical project created in co-operation with the musician Lorenzo Senni. It involves an acoustic treatment of the asymmetric repetitions of prime numbers. This piece is being developed for an empty hall in the twilight for the Colline Torinesi Festival.