Institut für transakustische Forschung/ Konvrzek/ Kalivoda
15% performance
70% sound
15% theory

Institut für transakustische Forschung (A)
Asymptotische Versuchsanordnungen

Jir¡í Konvrzek, Lukás Kalivoda (CZ)
Austrian première

What does it sound like when everyday life penetrates the sphere of art, when meaning breaks away from words, when light mingles with sound? In a process of phenomenological research at the interface between art and science, the Viennese Institute of transacoustic research has been exploring these and related questions since 1998. Transacoustics is at the same time the cause and effect, the path and the destination, the great unknown that constantly keeps the process of creation going. In a mixture of concert, lecture and research setting, the event presents current findings from transacoustic research. Afterwards, Jiří Konvrzek will sing songs to music from wooden-box-guitar-mandolin hybrids and drain organs built with drain pipes and foot-operated bellows.

musikprotokoll 2007

Th 04/10, 21.30

Nikolaus Gansterer, Matthias Meinharter, Jörg Piringer, Ernst Reitermaier et al.